Disability rights

California employees with disabilities have significant rights to be accommodated in the workplace, and to work free from discrimination. 

California and federal laws forbid discrimination in job hiring and other employment decisions based on disability or perceived disability. For example, the law makes it illegal for employers to:

  • Discriminate against job applicants with disabilities when making hiring decisions

  • Inquire about an employee or applicant’s disabilities or the severity of disabilities (employers can ask whether employees can perform essential job functions)

  • Refuse to provide a reasonable accommodation to an applicant for a job application, or to an employee in order to perform the essential functions of a job

Reasonable accommodations can include:

  • temporary or intermittent medical leave

  • time off or a flexible schedule for appointments, treatment, or other healthcare needs

  • specialized equipment or office furniture

  • working from home or hybrid schedules

  • reassignment to a vacant position

If you live with a disability or qualifying medical condition, including mental illness, and your employer treats you unfairly or won’t accommodate your condition, contact Samson today. Our Los Angeles, California law firm handles disability rights lawsuits and litigation statewide.